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Bloomberg Surveillance Donald Trump Federal Reserve System Bloomberg Television

## Bloomberg Surveillance: Donald Trump's Influence on the Federal Reserve System ### Trump's Criticism of the Fed Former President Donald Trump has been a vocal critic of the Federal Reserve System, frequently accusing it of manipulating interest rates to hurt the economy and his presidency. In 2018, Trump publicly attacked then-Fed Chair Janet Yellen, calling her "loco" and "out of control." He has also repeatedly called for lower interest rates, despite the Fed's independence in setting monetary policy. ### Fed's Response The Fed has largely ignored Trump's criticism, maintaining its independence and continuing to set interest rates based on economic data. Fed Chair Jerome Powell has defended the Fed's actions, emphasizing the importance of price stability and economic growth. ### Impact on the Economy Trump's attacks on the Fed have raised concerns about the potential politicization of monetary policy. Economists warn that political interference in the Fed's decision-making could undermine its credibility and damage the economy. ### Role of Bloomberg Surveillance Bloomberg Surveillance, a daily financial news program on Bloomberg Television, has played a significant role in covering Trump's relationship with the Fed. Host Tom Keene and his guests have analyzed Trump's comments and their potential impact on the markets and the economy. ### Implications for the Future The Trump presidency has highlighted the importance of the Fed's independence and its role in maintaining economic stability. While Trump's criticism may not have had a direct impact on the Fed's monetary policy, it has raised concerns about the potential for political interference in the future. ### Conclusion Donald Trump's attacks on the Federal Reserve System have tested the Fed's independence and raised concerns about the potential politicization of monetary policy. The Fed has remained focused on its mandate of price stability and economic growth, while Bloomberg Surveillance has provided in-depth coverage of this evolving relationship. The future of the Fed's independence and its relationship with the White House will be shaped by the actions of future presidents and the vigilance of the financial press.
